About Cerritos Boards, Commissions, and Committees
Community Safety Committee - Staff Contact: Public Safety Manager, (562) 916-1245
- Must be a City resident and registered voter
- Acts in an advisory capacity and reviews matters related to Citywide community safety
- Ten (10) members
- Meets the third Wednesday of each odd-numbered month at 7:00 p.m.*
- Monthly stipend: $25 per month*
Disability Advisory Committee - Staff Contact: Community Participation Manager, (562) 916-8550
- Must be a City resident and registered voter
- Acts in an advisory capacity and reviews matters related to policies, programs, and actions which affect persons with disabilities; participates in Disability Awareness Month
- Ten (10) members
- Meets the second Tuesday of February, May, August, and November, at 7:00 p.m.*
- Monthly stipend: To be determined upon final City Council approval of incorporating documents*
Fine Arts Commission - Staff Contact: Assistant City Manager, (562) 916-1303
- Must be a City resident and registered voter
- Acts in an advisory capacity and reviews matters related to public art
- Five (5) members
- Meets the third Thursday of February, May, August, and November, at 7:00 p.m.*
- Monthly stipend: $150 per month*
Historical Committee - Staff Contact: City Librarian, (562) 916-1377
- Must be a City resident and registered voter
- Acts in an advisory capacity and reviews matters related to the City’s history; identification, preservation, and promotion of awareness of the City’s history and heritage
- Five (5) members
- Meets the third Tuesday of March, June, September, and December, at 7:00 p.m.*
- Monthly stipend: To be determined upon final City Council approval of incorporating documents*
Let Freedom Ring Committee - Staff Contact: Recreation Services Superintendent, (562) 916-1254
- Must be a City resident and registered voter
- Acts in an advisory capacity and reviews matters related to the Annual July 4th Celebration, Autumn Moon Festival, Festival of Friendship, and Halloween Festival
- Ten (10) members
- Meets on the fourth Wednesday of March, August, and October, 7:00 p.m.*
- Monthly stipend: $25 per month*
Parks and Recreation Commission - Staff Contact: Recreation Services Superintendent, (562) 916-1254
- Must be a City resident and registered voter
- Acts in an advisory capacity and reviews the City’s parks and recreation programs.
- Five (5) members
- Meets the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. (dark in January and April)*
- Monthly stipend: $150 per month*
Planning Commission - Staff Contact: Director of Community Development, (562) 916-1201
- Must be a City resident and registered voter
- Acts in an advisory and quasi-adjudicatory capacity and reviews matters related to citywide land use, planning and development.
- Five (5) members
- Meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.*
- Monthly stipend: $350 per month*
Property Preservation Board - Staff Contact: Public Safety Manager, (562) 916-1245
- Must be a City resident and registered voter
- Acts in an advisory and quasi-adjudicatory capacity and reviews matters related to citywide substandard building and property nuisances.
- Five (5) members
- Meets the last Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. (dark December)*
- Monthly stipend: $150 per month*
Senior Services Committee - Staff Contact: Community Participation Manager, (562) 916-8550
- Must be a City resident and registered voter, over the age of 50
- Acts in an advisory capacity and reviews matters related to the planning of facilities, transportation, activities, services and programs designed to serve the older adult community in Cerritos
- Five (5) members
- Meets the second Wednesday of January, April, July, and October, at 5:00 p.m.*
- Monthly stipend: To be determined upon final City Council approval of incorporating documents*
*Advisory Board meeting dates and time, and stipends are all pending final City Council approval of incorporating documents.